Тэгвэл нэгэн залуугийн зөвлөгөөний дагуу бидэнд хийвэл зохих хоёрхон л дасгал байдаг гэнэ. Тэр one legged squat, deadlift хоёр юм. Гэхдээ хамгийн гол нь зөв техникээр хийх хэрэгтэй.
Эмэгтэй хүний тестороны хэмжээ эрэгтэй хүнийхээс маш бага буюу эрэгтэй хүнд 200-1200 ng/dl байхад эмэгтэй хүнд 15-80 ng/dl байдаг гэнэ. Тийм болхоор эмэгтэй хүмүүс дасгал хийгээд хийгээд баки болно гэж байхгүй харин бие нь чангараад бүр гоё болдог гэнэ.
Deadlift-г өөрийн жингээс илүү хүнд жингээр хийх гэж зовох хэрэггүй. Хамгийн гол нь зөв хийх хэрэгтэй. Ихэнх хүмүүс буруу хийдэг бас зарим газрын багш нар ч буруу заадаг юм байна. Тэгээд буруу хийснээс болж гэмтээд аюултай дасгал гээд хийхээ больдог гэнэ.
Та нар минь болгоомжтой сайн сураад /чаддаг мэддэг хүнээс/ энэ хоёр дасгалыг хийгээрэй. Хамгийн их сэтгэл зовоосон асуудлыг чинь шийддэг юм гэнэ дээ. Амжилт хүсье.
За доорх мэдээлэл байна. Гүүглээс өөрт хэрэгтэй мэдээллийг авчаарай.
Steps for How to Do Squats Properly
When you do squats it's essential that you use proper squat technique to avoid lower back and knee injuries and get all of the many squat rewards. Including the benefits mentioned above, squats can help you:
Burn fat,
Firm buns,
Tighten legs,
Build balance,
Be more flexible,
Get rid of cellulite,
Build more muscle,
Improve your posture,
Strengthen your knees,
Maintain stronger bones,
And increase leg strength.
Learn how to do squats properly by following these seven steps.
1. Do 5 to 10 minutes of warm up before you start squatting.
2. Stand straight with knees relaxed, feet hip-width apart and toes slightly turned out. Fold your hands in a prayer-like position and inhale.
3. Bend your knees, tilt your hips back and slowly lower your behind, like you're going to sit in a chair. Extend your arms to help maintain balance. Hold your breath and keep your back straight and upper body muscles in a tight contraction, so all the work is done by your legs.
4. Aim to squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Don't let your behind drop below your knees or your knees go in front of your toes.
5. Lift up slowly from the squat by pushing with your heels and using only the strength of your legs. Stay in control by keeping abdominal muscles tight and your back straight. Exhale as you rise.
6. Work towards doing three sets of 10 to 15 squats per set. To maintain a slow pace, count to three while going down and three on the way up.
7. Once you complete your sets, gently stretch your hamstrings and quadriceps. To get full benefits, spend 30 seconds on each stretch.
How to Do Squats with Weights
Once you've strengthened your squatting muscles and mastered proper squat technique, you can add weights to help build muscle faster.
Doing Squats with Dumbbells: Begin with arms hanging at your sides holding matching lightweight dumbbells. As long as you can maintain proper squat technique, you can gradually add more weight.
Squatting with a Medicine Ball: Hold the ball between your hands close to your body. As you squat push the ball out, extending your arms until they're parallel to the floor. Return to original position as you rise. The weighted ball helps work you're arms as well as your lower body.
How to Squat using a Barbell: Begin by lifting just the bar, which will add about 35 pounds to your squat. Rest the barbell on your shoulders and look straight ahead as you squat. Only add weights after this becomes easy.
When learning how to do squats properly, follow the seven proper squat technique guidelines above. If you have any concerns or experience unusual pain, find a professional personal trainer for guidance.
Assume starting position as shown.
Keeping dumbbells close to body, bend at knees and slowly lower dumbbells toward floor.
Contract hamstrings and glutes as you straighten out your legs and return to starting position.
Grab a kettle bell and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out about 45 degrees. Place the kettle bell on the floor between your feet. Squat down and grab the handle with an overhand grip. Push your heels firmly into the floor and stand up, keeping your arms extended. That's 1 rep; do 10.
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